Earlier this week, our Soc class watched a documentary about how technology, like cell phones, computers, and the Internet has become a monster in the modern culture. Everyone everywhere must have a Facebook, E-mail account, the latest iPod, the latest cell phone, the most high-tech computers and cameras. Texts fly through the radio waves. People as young as three to as old as ninety stare constantly, without blinking, at blue glowing screens. What has this modern culture come to? No one calls each other on land phones anymore. No one works in office buildings anymore; they can work efficiently, if not more, from the comfort of their own homes. We start to rely on our computers to hold so much information that if we somehow lost any of the data we have, we cannot function. This madness is a wave of laziness, poor brain usage, and possibly a new norm in the modern public environment. Some modern technology is, however, very competent for day to day living, such as the wheel, electricity, antibiotics, indoor plumbing, and the printing press. We have needed these things and they make our lives easier! We don’t need the video color iPod or the fastest 3G network; they break all the time anyway! And our culture is practically alien to this way of life, this living with technology! If this is not a technological takeover, then what is it?
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