Earlier this week we learned a bit about the social construction of ‘self’. One theorist was Charles Horton Cooley and his “looking-glass self” theory. It states that we view the self we think we see in the behaviors of others toward us. This means we think what we think how they think of you”. People worry and think of how others think of you. We constantly manage our image to appear friendly, socially desired, competent and skilled, principled, attractive, not conceited, etc. The most modern way we manage our images is through the Internet. We continuously update our Facebook statuses and profile pictures, we check if we posted anything considered “bad” or risqué, trying not to give wrong impressions, for example, seeming as if you’re online all the time to show you have no life, etc. This is known as the online looking-glass. We are shaped by expectations and influences of a strict society. How far will this go and to what extremes? What will the outcomes be? Food for thought!
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